Thursday 21 November 2013

November in a nutshell

Hello Everyone!

Hope this post finds you all well! Here the weather is getting very hot and the children are still being their amazing selves so I cannot complain. School is almost finished and most of the older children are writing exams, which means they get to come back to Saint Anthony’s early (around 11 am). Although the care workers may not be too happy about this, I definitely am because it means I get to spend more time with them. With Christmas holidays just around the corner, I am making the most of their company before they go to their relatives or foster families for 6 weeks.

A few weeks ago, the children were also invited to Mr Theron’s annual Christmas Party. Mr Theron is the owner of a chain of big lodges dotted around South Africa and one of these is situated in Newcastle. Every year he invites the whole of Saint Anthony’s, including the staff to come to his lodge for a big feast. Every child received a big bag of presents as well as lots and lots of sweets. The staff also received a goodie bag J the kids were so happy (and super hyper!). Even Winnie the Pooh and Hello Kitty were able to attend!

Teenage girls dolled up for their Christmas Party

Winnie the Pooh and Hello Kitty with some of the girls

Children's desert buffer #1

Children's desert buffer #1

The staff loved them too ;)

We are all big kids at heart!

Over the last few weeks, I have been helping Slindo (oldest girl) a lot as she is currently sitting her Matrics (or as we know them, A Levels). She only has four exams left now and in general she seems very pleased with them which is a good sign. She also braided my hair and it took her a whole hour ! It was quite painful especially when it came to sleeping but I got used to it after a couple of days. I can’t believe this is what basically all women go through here when they get their braided or when they have weaves put in which is all the time!

Slindo hard at work!

One hour later :)

Slindo has also started backing her things because she will leaving the Home for good in December. I am sad to see her go as I get on so so well with her, she always looks out for me. However I am also happy for her because she gets to be with her sisters and have her independence. Nevertheless, I am going to miss her.

I also had my first visitor last weekend (14th – 17th November)! Christoph (my boyfriend), who is currently working in Cape Town, came to the Home for a long weekend. We played football with the older girls and spent some time with the toddlers who all called him “Malume” (uncle). They really warmed to him which was great to see J He was also put on the spot on Sunday at mass when he was asked to stand in front of the whole congregation (approximately 200 people) and introduce himself! I have a feeling all visitors from overseas have to do this so I better warn my mum who is visiting for two weeks on Tuesday (26th November).

On a much sadder note, the toddlers were all playing outside yesterday (Wednesday 20th November) when one of them, Nqobani, fell backwards and hit his head on some bricks. I was right next to him and saw what happened so I ran to him and picked him up to make sure he was ok. He cried for a few seconds but then he started fitting. His whole body was stiff including his head and eyes but he was shaking at the same time. His breathing was very heavy and he was foaming at the mouth. I ran back into the cottage where the care workers were. We laid him down on the bed where he then started to calm down but he was still very stiff. He only started to regain consciousness when Phendile (the care worker) put some water on his face. It took him a while for him to be able to hold himself up. This all happened in the space of 10 minutes. We then took him to hospital where he spent the night so that they could observe him. I really hope he gets to come home today (21st November). I will let you know how he is in my next post.

Remember if you have any questions or comments about my experiences, Saint Anthony’s or South Africa in general, please do not hesitate to write them in the comment box below!

I have now had over 2000 views so thank you all very much for reading! It really means a lot...

Isabel x

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