Wednesday 4 September 2013

My first day at Saint Anthony's Home !

So I have just had my first full day at the orphanage so I thought I’d share it with all of you!!!

Before I start talking about my day, I want to tell you about my sleep... I had already been warned by a previous volunteer as well as Mlondi (a social worker) that the chickens and turkeys can be very noisy especially in the morning at around 2 am!!! But as I only had three hours sleep on the plane I thought I would sleep right through it.... I was very wrong! At 2:30 am I was woken up by this loud noise which turned out to be the chickens crowing! Their pen is right next to my bungalow and the window in my room is single glazed so you can imagine how loud these birds were! I don’t mind too much though... it’s all part of the experience really ;)

The director Malume (my uncle) said I could have a lie-in so I got ready for about 9:30 and then headed to the main office where I met one of the admin lady Tabile and the book keeper Stabile (the names are a nightmare but I’m getting there!). Then Auntie Boomi showed me the kitchen, laundry room and one of the play rooms for the younger kids. There were three children in there aged two and three as well as Timo who has special needs. As soon as I walked into the room, they came and gave me a cuddle. The two toddlers wouldn't let go of my hand. I will see if I can maybe spend a bit more time and play with them tomorrow.
After the little tour I went back to the office and helped Stabile with the invitations for the Home’s 50th anniversary, which is taking place on the 26th of October. The day will start at 9 am with a mass and at 11 am the function will start. Although the program has not been decided yet, Stabile told me there will be some speeches, some singing and some dancing (at which point I volunteered to choreograph a hip-hop dance for the girls.... oh dear!). The three of us (me, Stabile and Tabile) then had lunch together and afterwards I had a small talk with Malume at which point he gave me a report to correct, which is again for the anniversary celebration.

When all of the kids had come back from school, they are allowed to go and play in the garden before doing their homework. So I went a joined them and the girls very quickly got me involved in their game... The rules were as follows: one person had to hide a belt somewhere in the garden, once hidden the person will call the others who at this point where waiting behind a wall as not to see where she was hiding the belt. Once called, the others had to go and find the belt and the first one to do so has to chase the others and whip them with the belt until they are all back by the same wall the others had been at beforehand. The game then starts again as the person who has just found the belt needs to hide it again. I don’t think I have ever run so fast in my life... I managed to not find the belt or get whipped! Two of the local priests (one of which actually visited my parish in Billericay) came to the Home to meet me as they were told by my priest that I was coming.
Afterwards I then went to the girl’s cottage where I helped them with their homework. We then had supper and then did a bit more work. They mentioned teaching me some traditional Zulu dancing which should be great fun. They got super excited when I said I did hip-hop so now I need to start putting together a choreography!!!

I couldn't have asked for a better first day! I really look forward to mingling with some of the other age groups and helping to organise the anniversary. The Home is also hosting a Culture Day on the 16th of this month which is when each child or worker dresses in their traditional clothes, cooks traditional food and performs their tradition dance or music... I need to start thinking of something I could do about the England... Cupcakes with a British flag could be a good idea...

So as you can see I have been here one day and I’m already very busy and feel very much part of the Saint Anthony’s family already!

Until next tome ;)
Isabel x

P.S: the turkey came very close to pinching me today! It is so aggressive and nothing seems to scare him off... not even my lap top bag! So now I run past it and just hope I get into my house quicker then it gets to me haha! I honestly didn’t realise how quick or aggressive turkeys were!

1 comment:

  1. I really wish you the best on this experience! I've always dreamt about doing that once in life and you're already doing it :)

    I'll try to follow your blog because it sounds very interesting ^^

    Btw I'm Sarah Wika from fb ;)
